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What About Dinosaurs? Part 2

Published Oct 23, 2005
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People often ask why the Bible does not speak of dinosaurs if it is a fact that men and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Of course, the word, “dinosaur” has only been known for less than 200 years, but they have been known as dragons down through the centuries.

There is little doubt that the Bible refers to dinosaurs in a number of places usually identifying them as “dragons.”

Job is the oldest book in the Bible, and in chapter 38 God asks Job over 80 questions that did not require answers. God was reminding Job of the magnificent job He did in creating the world and the universe.

Then, in chapters 40 and 41, God points Job to the two largest beasts that He created, one on the land and the other in the sea.

In Job 40:15, God told Job to “Behold,” so there must have been something for him to see. It was a huge beast called, “behemoth.” Most Bible notes (not inspired) suggest that this beast was really an elephant!

This is a good example of trying to satisfy unbelievers at the expense of truth. When they put the Bible notes together, they did not want to call behemoth a dinosaur since that would suggest that dinosaurs lived at the same time as men. That would have meant that evolution is wrong, so the Bible accommodators decided to be silly, not scholarly. By calling behemoth an elephant the accommodators would never be accused of being Fundamentalists!

It is obvious that behemoth was not an elephant because verse 19 says that he was the “chief of the ways of God.” Whatever behemoth was, he was the biggest, and while the elephant is large, it is not the largest of God’s creation. Some whales are bigger than elephants.

Furthermore, verse 17 says “he moveth his tail like a cedar.” All right, we now know that behemoth had a tail like a cedar tree, but did you ever see an elephant’s tail? It’s like a whip, not a tree. So behemoth was not an elephant. We learn more about behemoth in verse 16 where his strength is “in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.” So behemoth’s strength was in the lower part of his body. Again, that does not describe an elephant. It describes many kinds of dinosaurs!

Many dinosaurs had large but weak teeth, small, weak front legs (walking on their rear legs, and huge rear legs and a large tail. Our Amazing World of Nature describes such a creature called Brontosaurus. It says, “Brontosaurus, the enormous four-footed reptile with the long neck and great trailing tail, is the giant most of us think of as a dinosaur. A vegetarian, he was big enough to nibble leaves from the top of a 30-foot tree. His small head and four peg teeth were useless for fighting; he could only lash his tail.”

Another book says, “Brontosaurus had a long, strong tail which was quite thick where it joined the body. This massive natural ‘war club’ must have effectively discouraged even the most persistent enemy….”

You will note that both books speak of the large tail that Brontosaurus used as a “war club.” Bronto’s strength was in his loins as Job says was true of behemoth whose tail was like a cedar tree.

Various dinosaurs walked on their rear legs, had large teeth and used the tail as a club; however the two books above are wrong about Brontosaurus because he never lived! The fact is that scientists put the wrong  head on the right skeleton! That’s like finding the headless skeleton of a Great Dane, then putting the head of a Chihuahua on its skeleton! Would that be called a Great Chihuahua? Evolutionists are so silly!

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